
What is the Backlink

What is the Backlink, and How to Know the number or link back BacklinkBacklink are links / links that are stored on another site that led to the site / blog us. For example there www.hilmifirdaus.com link on your site. Means that this blog has a backlink from your blog, as well as vice versa. This is one of the SEO techniques that you need to know because more backlinks the more important of our site in the eyes of search engines, especially google.

Backlink benefits actually being clear in the first paragraph, but I make it clear again lol that is a measure of the level of trust in the eyes of search engines as more and more backlinks the more likely to increase page rank, the higher the page rank (1-10 scale) the more important. (Please note page rank is not always directly proportional to improve SERP)

Now how do you know the number of backlinks leading to our blog? There are many sites that provide facilities to determine the number of backlinks, the first course google it yourself, do I go to google.com lived type "link: namablog.com" examples "link: www.hilmifirdaus.com" without the quotes.

Other sites are:

You can just type the name of your blog / website to find out the number of backlinks. Among these sites there are additional advantages and others. To search results are usually quite different among these sites but not too flashy. Please your own tests to determine the number backlin

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